Saturday, April 10, 2010

Welcome to Country Tails...

Welcome to Country Tails where you'll find all sorts of tales about our numerous tailed critters! We do have a few little friends here, and we're always adding a few, adopting, rescuing, fostering...and just plain getting suckered in!

Who all lives here at Rosewood Acres? There's Mom and Dad...that's us human folks...Then, there are the canines...Braveheart- senior doggy; Qannik (pronounced Kah-nick)- a rescued Samoyed cross; and Jasmine, a Shetland Sheepdog cross we adopted from the Mendo Humane Society. The kitties...sadly, here in the country we have a batch of feral kitties. I don't know anymore how many have been dumped here, but we feed them and tend to them when they let us, and try to tame them when we can. There are some we refer to with some element of affection...Mama Kitty...the Grande Dame...won't really let us hold and pet her, but will allow occasional petting as long as her feet are on the ground; Miss Kitty- a youngster who desperately wants to be a house kitty, but doesn't stick around very long; and then an assortment of boy kitties who love to play around our feet when we're out doing things. They don't really have names... Then there's the outer circle group. The ones who always watch what we're doing, come in to see what's going on, stay close enough to watch every move, ignore us, but Heaven help you if you touch one! Oh...and don't forget Tree Kitty! LOL! He got his name from spending a week...yes, a whole WEEK in a tree in the dog compound. We tried and tried to get him down...but it took a week for him to trust us enough.

Now for the slightly different pets... We also have a pair of chinchillas...Tawny and Prissy. They're a couple of little mischief makers! LOL! They have a 4 story cage in the bathroom where it's the coolest year-round (and easiest to clean pumice dust). We also have chickens...Crooked Beak and LadyBird...a pair of Silver Cuckoo Marans. They lay lovely chocolate brown eggs. We've gone through a lot of poultry, and are working to defeat Rocky Raccoon and company before we try too much again. It's pretty heart breaking to keep losing your flock. We aren't quite finished yet...there are still 2 more pets in the house.... Legoless and corn snakes. Legoless is a standard "normal" colored male, and Takala is an "Okeetee" female...and she's gorgeous! This from a woman who was absolutely terrified of snakes 10 years ago. Go figure! LOL!

Of course there's a wish list... I want another horse. I can't help it, I do. I'm trying to be sensible about it...Fencing needs to be attended to first... I say "another" horse. I had one when we lived in the mountains. I had to sell him when I moved down here. That whole thing about broke my heart, and I've never really gotten over that part of it. So...I want another one. Sensible to me is...I either need a "for dummies" horse, or a miniature, or a rescue that just needs a place to live out their days with love and companionship. We'll see. I have a yen to raise some of our own meat too. I have to go about that very carefully... I get attached really easily, so I either need to select an animal I'm NOT going to adore...say a hog or very wary of lambs though! And I'm enchanted with the concept of having a milk cow...preferably one of the smaller breeds, with a calf to start with. If we can possibly figure out how to get the wild creatures to leave us alone, we'll add ducks back in. I've been advised to get a pair of geese. It could be an adequate solution! In the meanwhile, we're still trying to trap them and relocate them to another riparian area. We've moved 2 already.

And Rosewood Acres Critter Scoop for now. Today I'm off to acquire a pound of red wigglers...they're pretty much all tail, and not much by way of being pets...or livestock...well...? Hmmm... I'll have to think about that. LOL! They sure aren't going to have names! However, their worm-condo is ready to occupy, so this is the day! Watch for posts though...this could be rich!

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