Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Visiting Phoenix Fields and Olive

The school/work year has finally come to a close, and I have 6 weeks off. It's been hard to be patient. Phoenix Fields is generally available daily, by appointment, between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m., Mon-Fri., closed on Saturdays, Open without appointment on Sundays during the same hours. After I got to meet the horses the first time, and took a shine to Olive, there hasn't been an opportunity to be out to the Rescue without someone making a special trip out there for me. The first Sunday I had free, the crew was in Sacramento at the Western Horse Expo, so when Fathers' Day rolled around, it was my first chance to go out and really get to meet my favorite gal. (Photos courtesy of Nor Cal Equine Rescue - Thank you Tawnee! I didn't know you were taking our picture! Just had to "borrow" them!)

Larry went into the pen with me to get her (after having me sign the appropriate release of liability), and the two of us started getting acquainted. I just took it slow and easy following the advice of the Natural Horsemanship literature I've immersed myself in. She seems to respond very well to that philosophy. Everything I've done with her so far has gone pretty much right by the books. We spent awhile together on Sunday, talking and getting my hands onto her, then Larry and I made arrangements for another visit Monday.

When I arrived at Phoenix Fields the next day, the mood was very somber. The preceding night had been tough on the staff. Sometimes the other side of the Rescue business is pretty ugly and heart-breaking and Sunday night was one of those nights. I found it completely amazing to see how much these young, broken (physically) horses still trusted and sought human contact and love. It was an honor to be able to go out and visit my favorite gal, recognizing her scars for what they are, and be able to reassure her that those days are gone.

We had a thoroughly enjoyable time. She stood for my touch, even snuggling her head under my arm shortly after this picture for a quick snuggle. We even got so far as to introduce her to her brush. She let me know she wasn't so sure about it as soon as she saw it, but we talked about it. She sniffed it, but still wasn't so sure about it. Then she watched me brush my own arm with it. That bought me some trust. If it didn't hurt me, then maybe it wasn't so bad. This time when I held it up for her to smell, she let me touch her gently with it. After it was rubbed on her face without hurting her, she was satisfied I could use it on her body. Bless her heart. I can only imagine what has made her so tentative about touch. After a good brushing on both sides of her neck and sides, all the way to her rump, we called it a day. Our next "beauty appointment" is Thursday. *giggle*

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