Sunday, February 13, 2011

February: Whisperings of Spring

What makes a girl feel like strutting her stuff and feeling the wind in her face...Spring! Willow is feeling the warmth on her back and the fresh, warm (70°) air. Although it's technically still "winter"... Here in NoCal it sure makes you believe the worst is past. The strawberries are blooming...the first little hint of herbs that self seeded are showing up. Volunteer cilantro is always welcome! Our garlic is reaching for the sky, and the chard is putting on one more burst...though we've had chard available all winter. Our tomato seedlings are being weaned from the house to the greenhouse...and then on into the garden when we're sure there won't be another frost.

I planted snow peas last weekend. After I got the seeds in the ground, I covered the section with a tent of hardware cloth and covered that with plastic. They're starting to sprout pretty good this weekend. They haven't been watered quite as much as I'd have liked, but apparently enough to get the job done!

One thing that has started like crazy, is mosquitoes. Poor Willow! They're giving her a rough time, but not as bad as the flies do. Incidentally, we started Willow on Simplifly this year, hoping to break the fly cycle. I also started her on a general feed-though wormer for the typical varieties, and also ordered the specialty wormers from They make life so much easier! It's too hard to find some things here, and the price, including shipping, beats what I can find locally, if I can find it at all. Speaking of Willow...she's rattling her grain bucket! I guess I know what that means! LOL!

We're also blessed to have camellias this year!! This is the first year I've succeeded in getting a camellia to survive the can get so hot and dry!...and bloom the

following year. I'm so tickled! Since moving plants like this one into the garden, on the opposite side of the fence from the bamboo (keeps the hottest sun off them) is so successful...THIS is the year to buy gardenias!

I apologize if you're still dealing with feet of snow...Spring is coming...The narcissus say so, so do the snow-drops, and today a daffodil started opening up... Spring really is coming!

1 comment:

  1. &0 degrees and mosquitoes! Oh my, we are still up to our ears in snow ice, and dastardly windchills! I can't say I am not jealous!
